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reflections on some lineages of the human condition

To My Cousin Kathy (August 10, 1954 – April 15, 2012)

Posted by on Apr 18, 2012 in Blog | 2 comments

Who would have predicted, 30 years ago when we were both newly pregnant with the new life that would become our first-born sons (born two days apart in the early months of 1983), that the letter-writing you started between us would grow and develop to make us so close, so verbally attuned to each others’ lives? You were the premier family correspondent, with your long, newsy letters delighting your recipients. I learned to follow your lead, attempting to match the level of detail and feeling that you put into your writing. Trying to put in words the physical pain of childbirth? Check! Sharing pictures of beaming grandparents? Check! Proudly describing our one-year old sons with the 30-word vocabularies? Both of us – check! Later there would be other topics of conversation, not always so triumphant. Your daughter’s critically necessary...

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Zbigniew Preisner’s album – Requiem for My Friend (1:07:29)

Posted by on Apr 12, 2012 in Blog, Polish Composers | 0 comments

From Preisner’s website: “Once, we had a joint conception to create a concert telling a life story. The premiere was planned to take place on the Acropolis in Athens. It was intended to be a large event, a hybrid of a mystery play and an opera. Krzysztof Kieślowski would be the director, Krzysztof Piesiewicz was responsible for the script, and I was planning to compose the music. “Once, we thought it might be the first of a series of musical performances, to be developed in various interesting places around the world in the next few years. “But it was life that authored a different ending: Krzysztof Kieślowski died on 13th March 1996. “The first part of Requiem for my friend is meant as a farewell to Krzysztof Kieślowski. “I dedicate this music to him.” Zbigniew Preisner album released 16 May...

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